How to be the superhero of your company

Supply2Gov Superhero with city in background


Superhero comics, films and television programmes have taught us numerous lessons over the years, the most important one being that no matter how strong, clever or old you are, you never stop learning.

This theory can be applied to getting involved in public sector procurement for small businesses. Getting started can seem daunting but just like Superman and Wonder Woman, you have to start somewhere.

Knowledge is power and having the right intelligence will help you to capture all the contracts that are available for your business.

Find out how you can release Supply2Gov superpowers below.


Have a “Hawkeye” for tender opportunities

Knowing where to look is the first step to becoming the superhero of your company. You can use our platform to search for tenders in your chosen area.

The Avengers would not be complete without the skills of a true marksman – remember, if you don’t shoot, then you do not score.  Register for free today and receive tender alerts that are suitable for sole traders and micro/small businesses.


Find tenders in a flash

As the old saying goes, ‘if you’re not fast, you’re last” and in the world of business, poor timing can be costly.

Staying up to date is a battle for new public sector suppliers. Many sole traders and micro businesses miss opportunities when they are searching for tenders, simply because of the sheer volume of sources out there.

Our speedy researchers look for opportunities across the UK every day, something that many businesses do not have the time or resources for. Just think of Supply2Gov as the Flash in your Justice League!


Hammer the competition

Take action and your business will soar ahead of any competition, even larger players in the market.  Every great superhero needs to prepare for their first challenge and with Supply2Gov, you are sure to learn more about procurement and train for the marketplace.

Subscribing to our website means you will never miss the latest in procurement news. The more that you familiarise yourself with procurement terms and regulations, the better your bids will be. Before you know it, you will be the expert and you will start to win contract opportunities!


hammer the competition

Get help from a Supply2Gov sidekick

Where would Batman be without Robin? Every great hero has a sidekick who is always conveniently there in their time of need.

If you want support or advice on how to get started, get in touch with a member of our expert procurement team. We can help you to get your head around all aspects of procurement – which is why we have also added an FAQs section on our support page.


Save the day

Superman wouldn’t think twice about signing up for a free Supply2Gov account. Let your micro/small business fly high and before you know it your business will grow from strength to strength.

We love happy endings and that is why we have tailored packages for micro businesses at every stage. Whether you are looking for tenders in your local area, region or across the UK and ROI we have a pricing package suitable.

Make powerful decisions with Supply2Gov. Start for free today.